Lawrence Osmanski View Condolences - Newtown, Connecticut | Honan Funeral Home


Lawrence Osmanski
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Honan Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Peter & Marlene Spaine
Condolence: John and Katie: Our sympathy goes out to you and your family. We know how much you'll miss your Dad. Love and memories from Aunt Mar & Uncle Peter.
Tuesday November 09, 2010
Condolence From: Bob Thomas
Condolence: Barb, I am very sorry to hear the passing of Larry. Larry was an exceptional leader at PBCC and made my 10 years working there most enjoyable. We would not have had the fine group of people that we had, nor would we have accomplished what we did, if Larry was not there. To this day, I tell former co-workers that we had the best group in the leasing industry. Larry will be greatly missed. God bless.
Tuesday November 09, 2010
Condolence From: Rosemarie Galasso
Condolence: I was deeply saddened to hear of Larry's passing. He was such an important part of my life for a long time - a professional mentor and a dear friend. I will forever remember him fondly - his kindness, generosity, and great sense of humor. My thoughts and prayers are with you Barbara, as well as all of the Osmanski and McAvoy families during this difficult time. May the love and joy you shared with this special man comfort you now and always.

My deepest condolences, Rosemarie
Sunday November 07, 2010
Condolence From: Kari (Mitchell) Fischer
Condolence: To the Osmanski and McAvoy families, I am so sorry to hear news of Larry's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. PBCC/PBFS would not have been the same without him. Professionally, he was the greatest mentor I ever had. I will never forget him.
My sympathies,
Kari Mitchell Fischer
Sunday November 07, 2010
Condolence From: Charles and Jeanette Prellwitz
Condolence: Dear Barbara, Katie and John
Our thoughts these last few days since we heard of Larry's death has continued to return to our many wonderful memories of him. We know these last few years has been a struggle for him and you. We treasure the times we were able to speak on the phone to him . Although he was ill he offered his love and support to us this past year while Charles was hospitalized. This selflessness speaks of the his courage and friendship. We will miss him and hope that knowing his struggle is over brings you peace.
Sunday November 07, 2010
Condolence From: Frank and Jane Swetckie
Condolence: John, Katie and Families, We are so sorry about your loss of your Dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Frank,Janie and Peter Swetckie, Christopher Swetckie and Family, Jennifer Byxbee and family.
Sunday November 07, 2010
Condolence From: Cheryl Bobonick-Bess
Condolence: Dear Barbara & Family,

I was sadden to learn this morning of Larry's death in the local newspaper. I have fond memories of him and various other colleagues at PBCC back "in the good old days".
May God grant you both comfort & peace in this mournful time.
Rest in Peace, Larry.

Deepest Condolences,
Cheryl Bobonick-Bess

Sunday November 07, 2010
Condolence From: avrom goldstein
Condolence: I am sorry to hear the news about my friend Larry. He will be missed and I hope that his familiy finds comfort in his memory.
Saturday November 06, 2010
Condolence From: Judy and Ray Grudowski
Condolence: We are so very sorry that Larry has passed away. His struggles, courage, and faith have been a source of strength and humbling felt by us who remember his tagging along with "the girls" when Ginny, Patti, and I were together. I didn't know Larry as an adult but shared in the joys and trials of his life through his sister, Ginny. Now it was us,viewing him as he climbed the ladder of life.
We send our prayers and love to those of you who are left behind. You know that you now have an angel watching down over you and your lives...forever. God bless you all. Cousins, Ray and Judy Grudowski
Saturday November 06, 2010

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